You have been redirected to this page, as the online offer tools have now been decommissioned and removed from the website.
The requirement that schools meet responsibilities set out in the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009 (often referred to as the ‘offer’), have previously been undertaken by schools inputting course information and checking their local curriculum offer via Careers Wales’ website. Following this, the Welsh Government would run reports to confirm schools were meeting the requirements of the measure.
In October 2020, the Minister for Education, approved the decommissioning of these tools, agreeing instead that schools should inform their consortia that they have met the requirements of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure.
The Welsh Government asked consortia, to ensure all schools meet the requirements of the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure, the deadline being 30th April 2021. Consortia have contacted schools to notify them regarding the changes outlined above, and that the online Careers Wales tools, along with the associated tools, such as Courses KS4, Post-16 Courses and View Reports areas will no longer be available.
Should you have further questions or queries regarding completing your offer, please contact your local 14-19 consortia lead, who will be able to help.