Get help to write CVs, application forms and personal statements. Know how to prepare for interviews, find jobs, approach employers and more...
Prepare for a job

Learn how to create your CV, find out what to include in your CV, view our free CV templates, and download our guide to CV writing.

Find out how to do a good interview using the STAR technique, get interview advice and preparation tips.

Explore top interview questions and example answers using the STAR and SET techniques. Get tips for how to answer common questions.

Get tips on how to write an application to get you an interview.

Get tips to complete a personal statement on your job application. Read an example of a personal statement to get ideas.

Make a good first impression in your covering letter or email with our help.

Find out about selection and psychometric tests that are often part of job interviews. Get tips on how to prepare and where to find practice tests.
How to find jobs

Use our list of popular job websites to help your job search.

Use our job bulletin to access hundreds of live vacancies across Wales.

Discover employers who are recruiting now. Start your job search here.

Discover 6 ways to start looking for jobs online

Find out how to use Facebook, X, TikTok and LinkedIn to find jobs near you.

Tips to find, and apply for unadvertised jobs.

Find out what recruitment agencies do, where to find them, and why it is worth registering.

Explore if self-employment could be right for you and where to get more support.

Find out about the support available to help you into work if you are disabled or have a health condition.
Get more help

Use our tools, quizzes and information to help you decide what job is right for you.

Employers value experience. Find out how to get it including through work experience, volunteering and internships.

The things you need to know about pay, rights and working hours for jobs.

An interactive, online employability training tool to help you build confidence and skills to make the right career choices.
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Apprenticeships are a great way to gain qualifications while you work and earn a wage. Search for apprenticeships near you, find out about apprenticeships and apprenticeship levels, and get tips on how to apply.

Learn what jobs are available now and in the future, and what skills employers want.