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Welsh Government EnglishCymraeg

Gender pay gap report 2021

Snapshot Date – 31st March 2021

This report is prepared based on the workforce as of 31st March 2021 and the direct comparator period is 31st March 2020. We confirm that the gender pay gap data contained in this report is accurate and has been produced in accordance with the guidance issued by the Department for Education. The purpose of the gender pay gap is not to highlight an imbalance in equality of pay for equal roles but to provide a comparison of the balance between males and females within our internal pay grade structure. This report highlights that since the last reporting date our gender pay gap has increased from 2.3% to 2.9%. As an organisation we are pleased that our figures are well below the UK wide average of 13.1 in 2020/21 but acknowledge that we need to make further progress to reduce the gap.

There is a clear explanation for the movement in the pay gap which can be evidenced by the quartile figures. The total number of people employed in March 2021 was 620, the ratio of staff females to males is 75:25. However, when reviewing the quartile ratios females occupy 67.1% of the highest paid jobs, 76.28 of the lowest paid jobs and 80% of the lower to middle paid jobs. Until these ratios mirror the workforce split we will always have a mean pay imbalance. As an organisation we appoint on merit and our focus is on aptitude and skills required to perform the role. We ensure that our recruitment processes remove unfair bias by ensuring that all applications forms are anonymised before being assessed and we use structured interviews and skill assessment centres where appropriate. During our recruitment process we recognise the diverse needs of the various members of our workforce, and our fundamental principles are to ensure that equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded throughout Careers Wales.

Declaration I confirm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulation 2017 – Nikki Lawrence Chief Executive.

Workforce Changes in this period

Compared to the 2020 workforce we are reporting a slight reduction in staffing numbers, eleven less than the previous report (seven females and four males). The main difference between the two reporting years is the number of staff in grade three and grade four. There were a number of leavers in the year at grade three and the trainee careers advisors, who started on grade three have now qualified and they have entered the lower band scale at grade 4. As staff at grade 4 progress through the pay bands this will help reduce the current pay gap in the coming years, there are 117 females who will progress through the bands compared to 24 males. Staffing levels in the remainder of the pay grades have remained steady. There has been a small increase in the number of management staff at grade 6-10. An increase from 79 to 86 representing 13.8% of the workforce (four additional females and three males).

Mean Pay Gap

The mean pay gap is calculated by adding up the hourly pay of all the women in an organisation and dividing by the number of women, doing the same sum for the men, then comparing the two figures. Although males only represent 25% of the workforce their mean wage is 2.9% higher than females. The main reason for this gap is that the higher pay grades (6-10) consist of 33% males compared to the overall male to female ratio of 25%.

Table showing Gender percentage at Each Pay grade March 2020 compared to March 2021:
Grade% Females 2020% Females 2021%Males2020%Males 2021


Median Pay Gap

The median pay gap is calculated by finding the exact middle point between the lowest and highest paid female in an organisation and the lowest and highest paid male, then comparing the two figures to calculate the difference in salaries. We are reporting a 0% difference in the median pay gap. Although there is a statistical unlikelihood of this occurring there is a clear explanation for this outcome. From the grading structure detailed in the table (table showing Grade and Gender Analysis 31/03/2021) 58.7% of the female staff and 50.6% of the male staff are employed at grade 4. Our core service provision consists of providing careers advice and guidance therefore the highest percentage of our staff based on role are careers advisors at this grade. The salary scale is divided into 4 pay bands (progression through the bands is achieved by number of years’ service, reaching top of band in the fourth year of service). As of March 31st 2021 – 77.7% of females and 82.2% of males in the grade 4 pay cohort reached the top of the pay scale band, therefore the median staff member for males and females resides in this pay grade and both have reached the top of their salary band.

Table showing Grade and Gender Analysis 31/03/2021:
GradeNumber of females 2020Number of females 2021Number of males 2020Number of males 2021


Pay Quartiles

The provision of careers advice has historically been female dominated, and it will take some time to address this imbalance. The high percentage of females to males does not mean that we cannot reach pay parity, the key to a level playing field is the proportion of staff based on a quartile-to-quartile comparison. The ratio of staff females to males is 75:25 for the company as a whole. However, as an organisation females occupy 67.1% of the highest paid jobs, 76.28 of the lowest paid jobs and 80% of the lower to middle paid jobs.

Table showing Pay Quartiles March 2020 compared to March 2021:
 Female 2020Male 2020Female 2021Male 2021
upper middle78.0621.9476.1323.87
lower middle73.5526.4580.020.0
lower quartile77.4222.5876.2823.72