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Welsh Government EnglishCymraeg

Year 12 Pupil Destinations from Schools in Wales 2021


Figures are for students aged 16 or 17 who were typically in the first year of a school sixth form. The survey, providing the destination of these pupils on the 31st of October 2021 was in respect of 12,411 pupils that is the 2021 Year 12 destinations cohort.

  • 45.9% (5,694 individuals) were male and 54.0% (6,708) individuals) were female. 9 pupils (0.1%) identified themselves as other
  • The majority of the cohort, 96.9% (12,027 individuals) went into some form of continued learning in full time education, part time education (16 hours or less a week) or work-based training. This represented 96.6% of male and 97.2% of female pupils
  • The greatest proportion of the cohort, 96.1 % (11,922 individuals) continued in full time education
  • 95.8% of those continuing in full time education (11,420 individuals) continued their education in school and 4.2% continued at a further education college (495 individuals)
  • A higher proportion of males (1.4 percentage points more than females) chose to continue their education at colleges of further education
  • A higher proportion of females (1.4 percentage points more than males) chose to remain in school
  • 2.1% of the cohort (259 individuals) entered the labour market, either going into employment or work-based training. 0.4 percentage points more males than females chose to enter the labour market (2.3% males and 1.9% females)
  • 0.2% (21 individuals) entered work-based training non-employed status
  • 0.6% of the cohort (75 individuals) entered work-based training with employed status. A higher proportion of males (0.7%) than females (0.5%) were in this category
  • 1.3% (163 individuals) entered employment outside Government supported funding. This was the same percentage for males (1.3%) as females (1.3%) though the number of individuals was higher for females (87) than for males (76)
  • On the survey date, 0.4% of the cohort (55 individuals), were known not to be in any form of education, training, or employment (NEET). Males accounted for 50.9% of the total (28 individuals) compared to females at 49.1% (27 individuals)
  • 36.4% (20 individuals) of those known not to be in any form of education, employment, or training (NEET) were able to enter employment, education, or training (EET)
  • 63.6% of NEETs (35 individuals) were unable to enter EET due to illness, pregnancy, or other reasons
  • There was no response to the survey from 1.1% of the cohort (142 individuals)
  • 0.2% (24 individuals), were shown to have left their local area

Year 12 Overall Figures

Bar chart of destinations of Year 12 pupils showing the majority (96.1%) continuing in full time education. All data is in the table below.
Table showing year 12 overall figures
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Continuing in Full Time Education
5,437 95.5 6,476 96.5 9 100.0 11,922 96.1
Continuing in Part Time Education (less than 16 hours a week) 7 0.1 2 0.0 0 0.0 9 0.1
Work Based Training - Non employed status 12 0.2 9 0.1 0 0.0 21 0.2
Work Based Training - Employed status 42 0.7 33 0.5 0 0.0 75 0.6
Employed - Other 76 1.3 87 1.3 0 0.0 163 1.3
Known Not To Be In Education, Employment or Training 28 0.5 27 0.4 0 0.0 55 0.4
No response to survey 84 1.5 58 0.9 0 0.0 142 1.1
Left the area 8 0.1 16 0.2 0 0.0 24 0.2
Total number in cohort 5,694 100 6,708 100 9 100 12,411 100

Full Time Education (FTE)

Table showing percentage of students who stayed in Full Time Education by gender
Gender Percentage of students who stayed in Full Time Education
Male 95.5%
Female 96.5%
Table showing analysis of all continuing in Full Time Education
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Continuing to Year 13 in School 5,167 95.0 6,245 96.4 8 88.9 11,420 95.8
Continuing to Year 13 in colleges of further education 268 4.9 226 3.5 1 11.1 495 4.2
Year 12 continuing in Higher Education 2 0.0 5 0.1 0 0.0 7 0.1
Year 12 taking gap year with intention of going to Higher Education 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 5,437 100 6,476 100 9 100 11,922 100

Known Not To Be In Education, Employment, or Training (NEET)

Table showing analysis of all known not to be in full time education, employment or Work Based Training for Young People (WBTYP)
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Able to enter Employment, Education or WBTYP 9 32.1 11 40.7 0 0 20 36.4
Unable to enter Employment, Education or WBTYP due to illness, pregnancy and other reasons 19 67.9 16 59.3 0 0 35 63.6
Total 28 100 27 100 0 0 55 100


Of those returning information on ethnicity:

  • The most popular choice of route across all minority ethnic groups was continuing in full time education at 96.0%. This is slightly lower than the proportion for those from a white background (96.1%)
  • A higher percentage of those with white backgrounds (1.2 percentage point difference) were represented in the 'employed - other' category, 1.5% from white backgrounds compared to 0.3% from minority ethnic backgrounds
  • The NEET figure for those from white backgrounds is the same as that for those from an ethnic minority background (0.5%)
Table showing year 12 destinations by % white, ethnic minority groups and no information on ethnicity
  White % Minority Ethnic Groups % No information on ethnicity % Total %
Continuing in Full Time Education (schools and colleges) 10,069 96.1 1,203 96.0 650 95.6 11,922 96.1
Continuing in Part Time Education (less than 16 hours a week) 8 0.1 0 0.0 1 0.1 9 0.1
WBTYP (without employed status) 19 0.2 1 0.1 1 0.1 21 0.2
WBTYP (employed status) 69 0.7 2 0.2 4 0.6 75 0.6
Employment 154 1.5 4 0.3 5 0.7 163 1.3
Known Not To Be In Education, Employment or Training 48 0.5 6 0.5 1 0.1 55 0.4
Unknown 104 1.0 30 2.4 8 1.2 142 1.1
Statutory School leavers who are known to have left the area 7 0.1 7 0.6 10 1.5 24 0.2
Total Number in Cohort 10,478 100 1,253 100 680 100 12,411 100
% of Total Cohort   84.4   10.1   5.5   100.0

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