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Welsh Government EnglishCymraeg

Year 13 Pupil Destinations from Schools in Wales 2021


Figures are for students aged 17 or 18 typically in the second year of a school sixth form. The survey, providing the destination of these pupils on the 31st of October 2021 was in respect of 10,937 pupils completing Year 13 in 2021 that is, the 2021 Year 13 destinations cohort.

  • 46.3% were male and 53.6% were female
  • 79.0% of the cohort (8,639 individuals) went into some form of continued learning in education or work-based training. A higher proportion of the total female cohort were in this category (81.4%) compared to males at 76.1%
  • 76.6% of the cohort (8,382 individuals) continued in full time education (FTE). Of those 84.3 % (7,063 individuals) progressed directly to higher education. This represented 64.6% of the total cohort
  • 69.2% of the total female cohort progressed directly to higher education and 59.2% of the total male cohort
  • Of those continuing within full time education a lower percentage 5.7% (481 individuals) continued their education in school compared to 8.1% (678 individuals) who continued at a further education college. The percentage of the male cohort continuing in FTE, who continued their education in either school or college was higher than that for females (17.3 % and 11.0% respectively)
  • The percentage of Year 13 leavers continuing in FTE, who remained in Year 14 in school, stood at 5.7%. The percentage of males stood at 7.7% in 2021 compared to 4.2% of females
  • 1.9% (160 individuals) of those continuing in education stated that they were taking a gap year with the intention of going on to higher education the following year
  • Continuing in part time education (16 hours or less per week) was the route taken by 34 individuals (0.3%)
  • 13.5% (1,477 individuals) entered the labour market, either going into employment or work-based training. 11.5% (1,254 individuals) entered employment outside of Government supported training. 2.9 percentage point more males than females took this route
  • A small proportion of the cohort 0.1% (9 individuals) entered work-based training without employed status
  • 2.0% (214 individuals) entered work-based learning with employed status. A higher percentage of males (2.6%) than females (1.4%) took this route
  • On the survey date, 2.3% (251 individuals) of the cohort were known not to be in any form of education, training, or employment (NEET). A higher percentage of males 2.9% (149 individuals) than females 1.7% (102 individuals) were in this category
  • 0.3% (29 individuals) of the cohort were shown to have left their local area

Year 13 Overall Figures

Bar chart of destinations of Year 13 pupils showing the majority (76.6%) continuing in full time education. All data is in the table below.
Table showing year 13 overall figures
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Continuing in Full Time Education 3,706 73.1 4,673 79.7 3 100.0 8,382 76.6
Continuing in Part Time Education (less than 16 hours a week) 15 0.3 19 0.3 0 0.0 34 0.3
Work Based Training - Non employed status 5 0.1 4 0.1 0 0.0 9 0.1
Work Based Training - Employed status 133 2.6 81 1.4 0 0.0 214 2.0
Employed - Other 659 13.0 595 10.1 0 0.0 1,254 11.5
Known Not To Be In Education, Employment or Training 149 2.9 102 1.7 0 0.0 251 2.3
No response to survey 388 7.7 376 6.4 0 0.0 764 7.0
Left the area 14 0.3 15 0.3 0 0.0 29 0.3
Total number in cohort 5,069 100 5,865 100 3 100 10,937 100

Full Time Education (FTE)

Table showing percentage of students who stayed in Full Time Education by gender
Gender Percentage of students who stayed in Full Time Education
Male 73.1%
Female 79.7%
Table showing analysis of all continuing in Full Time Education
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Continuing to Year 14 in School of 11-18 schools 284 7.7 196 4.2 1 33.3 481 5.7
Year 13 school leavers continuing to colleges of Further Education 358 9.7 320 6.8 0 0.0 678 8.1
Year 13 continuing in Higher Education 3,000 80.9 4,061 86.9 2 66.7 7,063 84.3
Year 13 taking gap year with intention of going to Higher Education 64 1.7 96 2.1 0 0.0 160 1.9
Total 3,706 100 4673 100 3 100 8,382 100

Known Not To Be In Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

Table showing analysis of all known not to be in full time education, employment or Work Based Training for Young People (WBTYP)
  Male % Female % Other % Total %
Able to enter Employment, Education or WBTYP  83 55.7 50 49.0 0 0 133 53.0
Unable to enter Employment, Education or WBTYP due to illness, pregnancy and other reasons 66 44.3 52 51.0 0 0 118 47.0
Total 149 100 102 100 0 0 251 100


Of those returning information on ethnicity:

  • The most popular choice of route across all minority ethnic groups was continuing in full time education at 80.8%. This compared to 76.2% for individuals from a white background
  • A higher percentage of those with white backgrounds (7 percentage points difference) entered employment outside of Government sponsored training (12.2% of those from a white background compared to 5.2% of those from a minority ethnic background)
  • There was a difference of 1.5 percentage points between white background and ethnic minority groups entering work-based training–employed status (2.1% and 0.6% respectively)
  • The proportion of young people from a minority ethnic background who were NEET was lower than that for those with a white background (1.9% compared to 2.3%). This represents 229 individuals from a white background and 19 individuals from a minority ethnic background

Table showing year 13 destinations by % white, ethnic minority groups and no information on ethnicity

  White % Minority Ethnic Groups % No information on ethnicity % Total %
Continuing in FT Education (schools and colleges) 7,476 76.2 811 80.8 95 81.2 8,382 76.6
Continuing in Part Time Education (less than 16 hours a week) 30 0.3 3 0.3 1 0.9 34 0.3
WBTYP (without employed status) 8 0.1 1 0.1 0 0.0 9 0.1
WBTYP (employed status) 205 2.1 6 0.6 3 2.6 214 2.0
Employment 1,196 12.2 52 5.2 6 5.1 1,254 11.5
Known Not To Be In Education, Employment or Training 229 2.3 19 1.9 3 2.6 251 2.3
Unknown 645 6.6 110 11.0 9 7.7 764 7.0
Statutory School leavers who are known to have left the area 27 0.3 2 0.2 0 0.0 29 0.3
Total Number in Cohort 9,816 100 1,004 100 117 100 10,937 100
% of Total Cohort   89.8   9.2   1.1   100

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