The Board of Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa (CCDG) meets quarterly. The board is responsible for the governance and compliance with the corporate governance code. Below are the minutes of the CCDG Board meeting held on September 26 2023.
Board Members:
- Andrew Clark
- Dave Hagendyk
- Dave Mathews
- Erica Cassin (Chair)
- Helen White
- James Harvey
- Joni Ayn-Alexander
- Kate Daubney
- Neil Coughlan
- Toni McLelland
- Tony Smith
From Careers Wales:
- Nerys Bourne
- Nikki Lawrence
- Ruth Ryder
Welsh Government:
- Sam Evans
- Sinead Gallagher
Phil Bowden, Careers Wales
Richard Thomas
Leonora Evans
1. Declarations of Interest
No further declarations were noted.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, July 6, 2023
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved
3. Matters Arising
3.1 Chair’s Update – Board Recruitment (Minute 3)
The actions relating to equality, diversity and inclusion and the establishment of a young person’s board were agreed as completed.
3.2 Strategy Progress Review (Minute 7)
A summary of the Company’s approach to involving all staff in its business planning cycle was circulated. This matter was agreed as being closed.
3.3 Quarterly Report (Minute 9)
The action on the Chief Executive to consider including KPI year-on-year figures and including the data in the CE report was agreed as being on-going.
3.4 Safeguarding Report (Minute 13)
Present a safeguarding report to the Performance & Impact committee. This matter was agreed as being on-going.
3.5 Date of Next Meeting (Minute 14)
The issue with the change of date had been resolved.
4. Chair’s Update – Verbal
The chair updated members on the range of events that had taken place since the last board and encouraged board members to attend events where possible.
Positive feedback was also shared from recent stakeholder engagement meetings from schools, employers, and FE partners.
Recruitment for new board members was progressing with the advertisement likely to be published within the coming months.
Advanced notice was also provided that annual performance reviews with members would take place in November.
5. Chief Executive’s Report
Members noted the previously circulated report from the Chief Executive. Key activities that had taken place since the last meeting were highlighted.
Current Company risk was discussed noting the increasing challenging external climate around budgets and its potential impact on the Company, and its ability to deliver its Brighter Future strategy. It was agreed that members would be kept updated on any discussions between the Company and its sponsor team. It was also agreed that the first part of the next Finance, Audit and Risk Committee would be open to all Board members to review any updates around future budgets.
Action 3, all Board members to be invited to the first part of the next FAR Committee meeting.
6. Welsh Government (WG) Update
An updated on the budget timeline for 2024/5 budget was provided together with an outline of work that would take place to inform discussions. Key dates were noted as the 22 November when the autumn statement would make clear the funding that WG would receive from Westminster, and 19 December which was the date that WG would publish its draft budget.
The Board heard that the Minister was pleased with the conversation at the recent round table event, which indicated that whilst there is progress to be made, there was a solid basis from which to develop. Good practice had been highlighted in Blaenau Gwent and the Minister wanted to explore more about how arrangements come together on a local level.
Updates were also provided on CETR and the restructure of Welsh Government.
7. Evaluation /Return on Investment (ROI)
Members were taken through the Company’s approach to evaluating its services, the plan of work for the year, and on the return-on-investment work that was being undertaken.
The Company was asked to consider several areas including:
- Reflect on universal support provided to young people to identify any further ways to support those who may be ‘drifting’
- In the absence of a data hub, how it could engage further with stakeholders regarding increase its impact through data lines of enquiry
- How it could more effectively transfer its impact into influential stories
- How it could support employers developing further understanding the benefits of employing neurodiverse young people
The range of acronyms used by the Company was highlighted and it was agreed that the Company glossary of terms would be circulated to all members to facilitate understanding.
Action 4, upload glossary of terms to be circulated and added to the CCDG Board channel.
8. Year End Accounts/Management Accounts
The audit of the end of year accounts was noted as ongoing and therefore the document presented to the Board remained as draft. Authority was given to the Finance, Audit and Risk committee to sign off the final version of the accounts.
9. Estates Strategy
The Estates Strategy was presented and discussed by the Board. Members provided feedback on key elements of the document, and it was confirmed that an equality impact assessment (EIA) would be undertaken before finalising the strategy.
Action: EIA to be completed on final draft.
10. Review Committee Structure
A discussion took place in relation to the current committee structures. It was agreed that a review of the terms of reference would take place over the next few months to ensure that large agenda items such as net zero, the wellbeing of future generations, and equality, diversity and inclusion were adequately represented.
Champions for specific areas were discussed and the good practice of the SIRO was held as an example of how this could work in practice.
An annual meeting of the Chair’s of each committee was also discussed to discuss the plan of work for the year.
Action 5: Chairs of each committee to consider the current terms of reference and report back to the next meeting.
Action 6: Date to be arranged between the Chair of the Board, CE and all Chair’s of the three current committees.
11. Framework Document for Welsh Government-Owned Companies
Members received the updated framework and changes within the document were highlighted.
12. Board Committee Meetings
12.1 Finance, Audit & Risk Committee
The committee chair highlighted that a review of the Company’s financial regulations was taking place, and a final draft would be brought to the board for sign off.
12.2 Performance and Impact Committee
A summary of the discussions within the committee was presented to the Board.
12.3 People Matters
Members heard that a draft HR strategy had been discussed in the last meeting as one of its key items and a good discussion had been held.
13. Any Other Business
13.1 Board meeting feedback
Members expressed an appetite for interactive meetings with an opportunity for broader discussions. The Chair agreed to review how this could be achieved for on-line as well as in person meetings.
Action 7, Chair to review interactive technology to support board discussions.
13.2 Simultaneous Translation for TEAMS
It was agreed that this would be explored to be in place for the next meeting.
ACTION 8: Identify how TEAMS can support simultaneous English – Welsh translations for on-line meetings.
13.3 Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting was confirmed as being held in person in the Cardiff office on December 13.
Action Log | Lead | Update to be provided |
Action 1. Consider including KPI year-on-year figures and including the data in the CE report | NL | Completed |
Action 2. Present a safeguarding report to the Performance & Impact committee2 | NL, NB | Completed |
Action 3. All Board members to be invited to the first part of the next FAR Committee meeting | JP | Completed |
Action 4. Upload glossary of terms to be circulated and added to the CCDG Board channel | RR | Completed |
Action 5. Chairs of each committee to consider the current terms of reference and report back to the next meeting. | EC | Completed |
Action 6. Date to be arranged between the Chair of the Board, CE and all Chairs of the three current committees. | NL | Completed |
Action 7. Chair to review interactive technology to support board discussions | EC | Completed |
Action 8. Identify how TEAMS can support simultaneous English – Welsh translations for on-line meetings | RR | Completed |
Not applicable | No further actions recorded | Not applicable |