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The Welsh agenda

Text Brighter Futures

Through our values and principles, and by working with others, we will work in ways that ensure we are supporting the delivery of the nation's wellbeing goals.

The five ways of working:

  • Prevention: Understanding the root causes of issues to prevent them from occurring
  • Collaboration: Working with others in a collaborative way to find shared sustainable solutions
  • Involvement: Involving a diverse population in the decisions that affect them
  • Long term: Looking to the long-term so that we do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
  • Integration: Taking an integrated approach focusing on wellbeing goals when setting wellbeing objectives

Seven well-being goals

Our vision will support the seven well-being goals through:

  1. A prosperous Wales. Supporting the development of young people and adults to have the skills to manage their own careers
  2. A healthier Wales. Increasing the chances of an individual not becoming not being in education, employment or training (NEET) and remaining active in society
  3. A more equal Wales. Providing all young people and adults with the services they need to overcome barriers, to raise aspirations and challenge stereotypes
  4. A globally responsible Wales. Increasing awareness of both the Welsh and global labour markets, including any future changes, challenges and opportunities within education, economies and the environment. We will connect people to learning and work, and the industries (for example green tech) which are addressing these
  5. A resilient Wales. Building the skills of customers will help build resilience and adaptability to deal with challenges presented
  6. A Wales of cohesive communities. Promoting opportunities for local people to help develop the talent pipeline and reduce skills gaps
  7. A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language. Delivering a bilingual service which responds to the needs of individuals and partners across Wales. We will raise awareness of the need by employers of Welsh language skills

Delivering the Welsh agenda

The delivery of the Brighter Futures vision will see us strengthen our contribution to supporting Welsh Government's wellbeing and economic goals and address a number of key challenges and priorities. These are:

  • Post-compulsory education and training (PCET)
  • Digital 2030
  • Curriculum for Wales
  • Employability plan
  • Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Act
  • Cymraeg 2050
  • Digital Strategy for Wales

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