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Welsh Government

Minutes of the CCDG Board June 16 2022

The Board of Career Choices Dewis Gyrfa (CCDG) meets quarterly. The board is responsible for the governance and compliance with the corporate governance code. Below are the minutes of the CCDG Board meeting held on June 16, 2022.


  • Taslima Begum
  • Erica Cassin (Chair)
  • Andrew Clark
  • Neil Coughlan
  • Dave Hagendyk
  • Liz Harris
  • Susan Maguire
  • Dave Mathews
  • Sue Price
  • Emma Richards
  • Tony Smith
  • Richard Thomas
  • Helen White

From Careers Wales

  • Nikki Lawrence
  • Shirley Rogers
  • Ruth Ryder

In attendance

  • Mandy Ifans, Careers Wales
  • David Morgan, CDI


Jayne Pritchard


  • Mary Van Den Heuvel
  • Sam Evans


  • Emma Edworthy
  • James Harvey
  • Ceri Noble

1. Declarations of interest

1.1 The Chief Executive (CE) declared that they were now a Board member for Careers Development Institute.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting – March 3, 2022

2.1 The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as an accurate record.

3. Matters arising from previous Board meetings

3.1 Young Person’s Guarantee - it was agreed that a Careers Wales representative would attend a future CCDG Board meeting to provide a briefing to the Board on this subject.

Action 1: Young Person’s Guarantee briefing to be scheduled on a future agenda.

3.2 Board members had received a copy of the detailed ESTYN report therefore the action was confirmed as closed.

3.3 An update regarding high-risk items on the Risk Register had been provided so the action was confirmed as closed.

3.4 The compliments and complaints report were appended to the Chief Executive report. This matter was agreed as being actioned.

3.5 Updated Parent Strategy to be scheduled at a future Board meeting and would be discussed at the Performance and Impact Committee. This matter was therefore agreed as being in progress.

Action 2: Parent Strategy to come to a future Board meeting.

3.6 Seek clarification on how Careers Wales was able to record that 75% of pupils in KS4 were using LMI in their decision-making process from delivery staff. This matter was agreed as being in progress.

Action 3: Gain further clarity on the figures recorded for pupils in KS4

3.7 Review language used in the Participation and Engagement strategy to ensure consistency in line with Welsh Government (WG) policy. This matter was agreed as being actioned

3.8 Update on delivery and development directorate to come to the next Board meeting as a substantive item. This matter was agreed as being actioned

3.9 A cyber security report had been considered by the Finance, Audit and Risk committee, and would come to all future meetings. This matter was therefore agreed as being actioned.

4. Working Wales

A presentation was delivered by the Head of Employment Advice to the Board members and members were invited to ask questions and provide feedback.

4.1 Economically Inactive
The Board stated that the UK national statistic figures revealed that 65% of 16 – 24-year-olds were economically inactive, and this was linked to NEET pupils. It was advised that Careers Wales was aware of the current statistics, and they were targeting the economically inactive via agencies and outreach provision.

4.2 Contact Details for Leads in Colegau Cymru
The Board advised that Colegau Cymru has a Curriculum and Quality Group and suggested that mutual benefit could be achieved through CW/WW attendance at a meeting of the group.

Action 4: Board to provide contact details for appropriate groups to CE.

5. Chair’s update

5.1 Chair’s Induction
The Chair thanked the Board members for their support during their induction period and was pleased to report that all one-to-one meetings had now taken place.

5.2 Learning and Development
Further learning and development was suggested as part of an e-learning programme to enhance the Board’s understanding of their role and responsibilities as a Board member. And it was agreed that a continuing professional development (CPD) proposal would be circulated to Board members.

Action 5: Circulate CPD proposals to Board members for their feedback.

5.3 Using the Expertise and Knowledge of Board Members
The current sub-committee membership was being reviewed by the Chair to ensure that the members' expertise could be fully utilised in the correct forum.

5.4 Future Meeting Schedule
A schedule was currently being formed for all future Board/Committee meetings.

Action 6: Create a meeting plan for all future Board/Committee meetings and review time allocation (2.5 hours).

5.5 Face-to-Face CCDG Board Meeting
It was advised that the date for the next CCDG Board meeting would be held in October and that the meeting would be a blended meeting, which was likely to be held in Cardiff.

Action 7: Circulate proposed dates for the next CCDG Board meeting

5.6 Changes to Finance, Audit and Risk and Performance and Impact Committee
The Chair announced changes to the membership in the Finance, Audit and Risk, and Performance and Impact Committees.

5.7 Departing Board Members
The Chair thanked the departing Board members for their contribution to Careers Wales and wished them luck in their new endeavours.

5.8 Recruiting New Board Members
The Chair advised that it was likely that new Board members would be joining the CCDG Board in September/October.

6. Chief Executive’s update

6.1 Changes in Welsh Government
It was advised that the sponsorship branch will be moving to sit under the leadership of Sinead Gallagher who was currently assigned to Higher Education. Sinead would be joining future Board meetings.

6.2 Pay Claim
Meetings with Welsh Government representatives concerning the revised pay claim and impact on budget remained on-going.

6.3 Shared Prosperity Funds
Meetings concerning the SPF were still ongoing in particular discussions relating to tailored work experience

6.4 Continuous Improvement Plan
The Board suggested a discussion with employees from Principality to learn from their experience of implementing a continuous improvement framework.

Action 8: Board to arrange an introduction to their team at Principality.

6.5 Data Dashboard
It was agreed that a dashboard would be created for the Board to view progress against key metrics. To clarify requirements a further meeting would be held with the chair outside of the board.

Action 9: Further meeting to be arranged to discuss the requirements of a board dashboard.

7. Governance NEDs

A governance NEDs presentation was delivered to Board members and the Board were invited to ask questions and provide feedback.

7.1 Front Cover Committee Sheets
The Board highlighted the importance of completing the front cover committee sheets fully.

7.2 Teams Channel for Board Member
The Board suggested a Teams channel for Board members

Action 10: Consider creating a Teams channel for the Board members

8. CDI strategy

The CE from the Careers Development Institute delivered a short presentation highlighting the key themes within the new strategy and invited questions and feedback via email.

9. Funding letter/remit letter/operational plans

The key themes within the letters and operational plans were discussed and the Board were invited to ask questions and provide feedback.

9.1 Specific Review/Quinquennial
The Board highlighted the importance of the ‘specific review’ in the remit letter and asked if Careers Wales was aware when the specific review was likely to take place.

Action 11: Contact Welsh Government sponsor team regarding the statement of a specific review.

9.2 Operational Plan
The Board discussed the current operational plan, and it was agreed that future plans would be discussed at the Performance and Impact Committee ahead of submission to the full Board for noting.

10. Draft year-end audited accounts

Subject to minor amendments highlighted and following the end of year audit by Audit Wales, the Board delegated powers to the Finance, Audit and Risk committee to sign off the accounts. The minor amendments would be discussed and approved via a future Finance, Audit and Risk Committee before formally signing off the accounts.

11. ESTYN Thematic

The ESTYN thematic full report was discussed and will be discussed in detail at a future Performance and Impact Committee.

12. Committee meetings

Board members were asked to refer to the minutes of the committee members for an update concerning the meetings.

12.1 Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – June 13, 2022
A verbal update was provided to the Board as the draft minutes were unavailable.

12.2 Performance and Impact – April 28, 2022
No comments or questions were asked concerning the Performance and Impact Committee.

12.3 People Matters – May 12, 2022
No comments or questions were asked concerning the People Matters Committee.


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