Have you recently started college or sixth form and now wondering if you've made the right decision? Stop. Don't Drop.
Don't rush into a decision you might later regret. Give yourself time to consider the situation and how you're feeling.
Take your time
You should take your time to:
- Understand why you're having doubts. Is it the college / school environment or the course?
- Reflect on how attending the course makes you feel. Are you unhappy or just bored with the course?
- Consider the consequences of leaving a course. Would leaving the course affect your career goal?
Careers Wales can help
Our Careers Advisers can:
- Speak with you about the options available
- Listen to your concerns and help you with what to do next
- Offer you support, advice and guidance

Take a look at the most common reasons people have doubts about their course and get advice on what to do.

Get help and advice to navigate through the start of a new course, dealing with nerves and pressures, finances, and planning your time.

Advice from students who share their top tips with you for making the most out of college.
Watch the video
Stop. Don't Drop Careers Adviser video
Watch the video for advice and support from our Careers Advisers.
Real life stories

View case studies and explore the options taken by different learners.
Support for parents

Our 5 top tips to supporting your child in college or sixth form.

Take a look at our top 3 tips to support your child if they are thinking of leaving college.

Get tips to support your child to make good career decisions.
Explore your career ideas
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