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Josh’s story


Josh’s careers adviser helped him to apply for an apprenticeship and kickstart his career in engineering.

Alternative paths to college

When Josh was 16, he knew he didn’t want to continue at school full time. He wanted to explore his options and understand more about what he wanted to do.

Josh, who went to Afon Taf High School in Merthyr Tydfil, said: “I didn’t know what to do. I knew apprenticeships were out there, but I wasn’t sure how they work or how to apply for them.”

Support from Careers Wales

Josh continued: “In my last year of school, the careers adviser at my school showed us the Apprenticeship Search on the Careers Wales website.”

It was this interaction that prompted Josh to make an appointment with Ruth, the school careers adviser, to explore job and apprenticeship options.

Ruth helped Josh with finding an apprenticeship for a technical role within engineering and supported him with the application process. Josh also received help with preparation for the interview.

From technical apprentice to construction manager

Josh was successful and started his apprenticeship after he finished school. He is now in a successful managerial role.

He said: “I’m 24 and I already have eight years of experience in the industry and around different roles. I started with the technical apprenticeship, then I went to a technical training and got a role of an assistant manager. Now I have been promoted to construction manager.”

Josh now wants to encourage other young people to explore their options whilst in school. He said: “No one knows exactly what they want to do at 16.

“I was always interested in engineering, but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. So I explored a range of technical apprenticeships so that I could explore different roles, and after two years in, I made the decision that this was what I wanted to do.

“If I went to college I would know the educational side of the job, but I wouldn't know the practical side of it.”

Reflecting on the support he had received, Josh said: “If not for my careers adviser and her support, I never would have applied for the apprenticeship.”

If you would like to explore your interests and opportunities with a careers adviser, please contact us today.



Apprenticeships are a great way to gain qualifications while you work and earn a wage. Find out more about apprenticeships, search vacancies and more.