Find the financial support that may be available to you for postgraduate courses at universities, including master's and PhD courses.
Postgraduate master's finance
You may be able to apply for postgraduate master's finance in 2024. If eligible, you could receive a loan of up to £18,950 for a one year course.
Find out about eligibility and funding available:
Student Finance Wales - postgraduate master's finance
Welsh Government - Student finance: higher education, postgraduate masters and doctoral students
Postgraduate doctoral loan
You can apply for a postgraduate doctoral loan of up to £28,655 if you are starting a full or part time postgraduate doctoral course (PhD). This loan can help with course fees and living costs during your study. Find out about eligibility, how to apply, and repayment terms at Student Finance Wales postgraduate doctoral loan.
Sourcing grants, bursaries and scholarships
You can look in a variety of places for scholarships, grants and bursaries to contribute towards your postgraduate studies. The Scholarship Hub has a search facility to look for additional funding.
Keep in mind that sourcing and applying for funding can take a long time so start looking as early as possible. Most alternative sources of funding are unlikely to cover all your expenses but can contribute towards your costs. Places to source postgraduate funding include:
Research councils
UK Research and Innovation has a funding page and also provides links to the research councils:
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
Charitable trusts
Search for charitable trusts that might fund you at the Directory of Social Change's Funds Online.
UK Government scholarships
Chevening scholarships are aimed at developing global leaders and are funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other partner organisations.
Commonwealth scholarships are open to commonwealth citizens who have the potential to make change. Around 800 awards are offered each year.
Other sources of potential funding
Employer Sponsorship (Prospects website) - employers might consider sponsoring you, if what you are intending to study is relevant to your work.
Crowdfunding (Prospects website) - you need to be great at marketing yourself if you are considering crowdfunding.
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