Linking with employers enhances your careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) programme.
The Education Business Partnership
Our Education Business Partnership (EBP) provides opportunities for pupils, their teachers, and often parents, to meet and interact with employers. These activities aim to inform, inspire, and motivate young people about their career opportunities.
Benefits of employer support
Linking with employers can:
- Change the attitudes of pupils to education
- Motivate young people to study harder and potentially achieve better grades
- Influence pupils’ career plans and subject choices
- Bring areas of the curriculum to life
- Help young people make links between their lessons and world of work
- Raise awareness of the range of career opportunities available and how to access them
- Introduce young people to inspiring role models
- Challenge career limiting beliefs around gender, race, and disability
Ways we can support you to link with employers
Employers are keen to support schools with a range of activities including:
- Guest speakers to help relate specific subject areas to the world of work (in person or virtually)
- Employer vlogs and videos
- Visits to employer premises
- Careers carousel and employer networking days
- Specific workshops (for example, interview hints and tips or mock interviews)
- Careers fairs
- Big Ideas Wales role models - enterprise workshops
- Career Discovery resources for year 10
Contact your local Business Engagement Adviser, to discuss these and other ways employers can support your pupils.
If you would like to search for employers to take part in activities in your school, you can use our Education Business Exchange database. You will see which activities and subject areas each employer can support.
Throughout the year we arrange events for pupils to hear directly from employers. Our events page has details of what's coming up.
School Valued Partner initiative
Our School Valued Partner programme allows us to recognise employers and schools who work together for the benefit of pupils.
Schools can request to be partnered with specific employers. We will also recognise employers that Careers Wales has already introduced to the school and support the school and its pupils.
Get in touch
Email our Education Business Partnership team if you have any queries.
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