If you want to get a job but need to learn more about work, you may be able to be a trainee on Jobs Growth Wales+. You need to have left school and be between 16 and 19 years old.
Watch the video
From School to Training
Watch the video to find out what some young people think about training.
What is Jobs Growth Wales+?
Jobs Growth Wales+ is a training programme that helps you move in to work. It includes free training and work experience.
On Jobs Growth Wales+ you’ll get the chance to learn what work is like and try a job role you are interested in.
You’ll learn new skills and get the qualifications you need to move on to a job or further training.
On Jobs Growth Wales+ You’ll get:
- One-to-one coaching and support
- Paid a training allowance or wage
Watch a video by Engage To Change about Jobs Growth Wales Plus on YouTube.
There are different levels of Jobs Growth Wales+. These are:
A lot of young people leaving school start with this. This is for people who:

Aren’t sure what type of work they want to do

Need to work on their skills before going into a job
This level is for people who:

Know what type of work they want to do

Are able to work towards an NVQ level 1
This is a way to get into work. This is for people who:

Know what type of work they want to do

Are ready for work now
What can I do on Jobs Growth Wales+?
On Jobs Growth Wales+ you could:

Try out different types of work to find out what you are suited to

Carry on with Maths and English

Work towards qualifications

Learn new skills
How much time will I spend on Jobs Growth Wales+?
- On the Engagement level you would usually do 30 hours or more each week
- On the Advancement level you would usually do 30 hours or more each week
- On the Employment level you would usually do 30 hours or more each week
How much will I get paid?
- On Engagement you will get £60 per week if you work 30 hours. If you work fewer hours you would get paid less
- On Advancement you would get £60 per week
- On Employment you would get £60 per week while you look for a job and then a salary paid at least the National Minimum Wage when you get a job
- You might be able to claim some money back for travel costs
Will I get support on Jobs Growth Wales+?
Before you go on Jobs Growth Wales+, it's a good idea to meet with a Careers Adviser who would talk to you about the type of support you need.
How can I find out more about going on Jobs Growth Wales+?
- Talk to your Careers Adviser
- Look at training provider websites
- Visit training providers
Watch the videos
Jobs Growth Wales+ learners, Maisie, Alisha and Josh
Hear learners talk about Jobs Growth Wales+.
BSL Jobs Growth Wales+ learners, Maisie, Alisha and Josh
Watch the British Sign Language version to hear learners talk about Jobs Growth Wales+.
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