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Welsh Government

Lauren's story

Person in Careers Wales t-shirt with banner behind promoting services of Careers Wales

Lauren is a careers adviser based in Rhondda Cynon Taf. She has been learning Welsh since 2023. Lauren shares her experiences of learning Welsh and her tips for other learners.

Our questions to Lauren

1.What inspired you to start learning or improving your Welsh language skills?

Having grown up and gone to school in Wales, I have always had opportunities to learn Welsh, but I have got this far in my life without considering myself a Welsh speaker and not feeling proud or confident about what I do know. I decided it was time to change that and gain confidence in my Welsh language abilities. I also wanted to be able to use Welsh at home and be able to read and understand more when I’m out and about.

2. How have you been able to use your Welsh language skills in your role at Careers Wales?

I have been able to use conversational Welsh in school when talking to pupils about their Welsh classes and have felt more confident in promoting the Welsh Language to pupils in guidance interviews.

3. As a careers adviser what do you feel are the biggest advantages of being bilingual?

I can promote and encourage pupils to use their Welsh language skills outside the classroom and help them see the benefits of speaking Welsh in their careers.

4. How has your confidence in using Welsh developed since you started improving your language skills?

My confidence has been allowed to grow because of the support given by my Welsh teacher and fellow classmates. I have been able to understand signs in Welsh in my local area and have been able to read Welsh learner books and practice Welsh at home with my family.

I feel more confident using Welsh because I have been able to see my progress."

5. Can you share an example where your Welsh language skills significantly benefits you at work?

Some pupils I support are fluent Welsh speakers and have previously attended Welsh Language schools. Many of these pupils find it easier to discuss their subjects using some Welsh as they have been taught specific Welsh words related to the subjects.

Being able to understand some Welsh has allowed me to have a greater understanding and empathy with these pupils, which helps to develop greater rapport in the interview."

6. What advice would you give to other adults who already have some Welsh language skills but are hesitant to use them?

Jump in. Say things out loud. Don’t worry about getting things wrong (I know this may be hard at times). Be proud and embrace what you do know."

You probably know more than you think! Get a blank piece of paper and challenge yourself to write as many Welsh words as possible, don’t worry about spelling. I bet you have more words than you thought you would!

7. What resources have you found most helpful in learning and using Welsh?

Reading Welsh language learner books. Using Duolingo and Say Something in Welsh apps. I attend the Welsh class sessions and watch programmes on S4C. I also notice the Welsh on signs when in my local area and try to translate them.

Find out more about learning Welsh

Learn Welsh

Find out the benefits of learning Welsh and where to learn Welsh in your area.