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Welsh Government EnglishCymraeg

Who needs to know what I'm like?

There are lots of people who might want to know more about you so that they can help you.

People you work with now

Graphic of Teacher

Teachers and school staff - to help you make the most of your lessons

Graphic of a Careers Adviser

Your Careers Adviser - to help you with your next steps after leaving school

Graphic of social worker

Your Social Worker - to help you prepare for adult life

People you will meet in the future

Icon of a college building

Tutors in college - to help support you in the lessons

Icon of certificate

Training providers - to help you with learning and working in the best way that suits you

Graphic of employer

Employers – if you start work they will want to know what you are good at doing

How can I tell people what I'm like as a person?

You can tell people about yourself in different ways:

Icon of speech marks

Your Teachers, Career Advisers and Social Worker – talk to them about yourself or, show them what you are good at

Icon of a CV document

Employers, Training Providers, College tutors – you will need to tell them about yourself in a CV or application form. When you meet them in an interview you can also tell them about yourself or show them what you have done, for example if you are creative you could show them some of your art

Find out what type of person you are