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Welsh Government EnglishCymraeg

What support is there for me in work?

You might get support when you are in work. If an employer knows that you need support they can help.

Access to Work and Supported Employment Agencies can help.

They could help with:

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Equipment and clothing

You may need to have special clothing or aids to help you do your job.

You may be able to apply for Access to Work funding. Find out more about Access to Work on the website.

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Making changes to help you

Your employer can make changes to help you, for example look at your hours of work or the tasks you do.


Graphic of young person with employer and speech bubble icons

Personal support

You may need someone to help you to learn how to do your job.

You might be able to get help from a Supported Employment agency. They can help you to find work and learn the skills you need to settle into a job.

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Your employer may be able to get money to help pay your wages.

You may be able to get money to help pay for your transport to work.

Useful links

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