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Employment Support

Find out about the support available to help you into work if you are disabled or have a health condition.

Access to Work

Access to Work can offer you financial and practical support to help you get or stay in work. The support will be based on your needs, for example a grant to help you get to and from work and support with managing your health at work.

Through Access to Work you can also apply to get money for communication support at a job interview.

To get support, you must:

  • Have a physical or mental health condition or disability that means you need support to do your job or get to and from work
  • Be over 16 years old
  • Live and work in Wales, England, or Scotland
  • Have a paid job or be about to start or return to one

For up to date information and further details view Access to Work on

Supported Employment

Supported employment agencies work with people to help them:

  • Find work
  • Learn the skills needed to do a job
  • Settle into a new job
  • Learn how to travel to work

The Supported Employment organisations across Wales are:

Inclusive Apprenticeships

The Welsh Government’s Inclusive Apprenticeships – Disability Action Plan aims to remove barriers for disabled people who wish to do an apprenticeship.

For further details view Inclusive Apprenticeships – Disability Action Plan on

Find out more about Apprenticeships for Disabled People on the Working Wales website.

Search for support

If you're looking for help to find work or want to gain more skills use our Support Finder tool.

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