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Jack’s story

Jack choosing a spanner

Jack's careers adviser helped him apply for a mechanics course at college.

Jack, 15, from Wrexham, was not sure which course at college he wanted to do.

Getting support

Jack’s school organised a presentation with Ffion, a careers adviser. After that, Ffion held individual meetings with each student to help them explore their interests and options after school.

During his meeting with Ffion, Jack discussed his interest in cars and mentioned his ADHD, autism and dyspraxia.

Jack said: “Ffion made the sessions short for me because I get distracted easily so I appreciated that.”

Exploring options

They initially looked at a course related to outdoor activities at Coleg Cambria. However, after attending an open evening, Jack felt unsure about this path.

Jack explained: “I told Ffion I wasn’t 100% sure, and she said I didn’t have to do it. She asked if there were other courses I’d like her to look into.”

This led to Jack expressing his interest in engineering and mechanics. Ffion helped him to find a suitable mechanics course at a local college.

Jack added: “Ffion was great. I enjoyed the sessions with her, and she helped me a lot. She was a very nice person to talk to.”

Looking forward

With Ffion’s assistance, Jack applied for the mechanics course.

He achieved the GCSE grades he needed and had his place on the course confirmed.

Jack also started work experience in a mechanic’s workshop over the summer.

Jack shared: “I’m loving college life so far. I’ve even got a paid part time job at a local pizza restaurant at the weekend.

“I feel very confident about my future now and am really excited.”

If you would like to explore your interests and opportunities with a careers adviser, please contact us today.


Contact us

We offer face-to-face support in careers centres, libraries, schools, colleges and community locations.

We can also work with you and your child via webchat, video call or telephone.