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Tobi's story


Advice helped Tobi move on and up with his future career plans.

Coming to the end of school

Unsure of options after school, 17-year-old Tobi from Newport received support from Careers Wales to help him make decisions about his future career plans.

“I first came across Careers Wales in year nine, when the careers adviser talked to the year group about subject options and how they could support us to choose the right exam subjects to study.

“I didn’t really have a career in mind so used tools and resources like career check and the job matching quiz from the Careers Wales website, which was a good way of mapping out what my next steps might be and suggesting careers and possible jobs that I might be suited to.”

Support from Careers Wales

As Tobi approached the end of year eleven, he arranged an appointment with a careers adviser in school to explore all his options.

“I wanted to check out my options at the end of year eleven and talk to the careers adviser about a couple of ideas I had.  I was interested in mechanics, electrical installation and aeronautical engineering and wanted advice on whether a college course or an apprenticeship would be better for me. I chatted things through and we discussed the benefits of apprenticeships and possible college courses.

“After talking to the careers adviser I decided I wanted to pursue the electrical installation course and applied to the course in college that was recommended.”

Moving onto college

After getting the grades he needed for college, Tobi enrolled on his course in September.

“I’m glad I chose to apply to college. The adviser was really helpful and knew a lot about the courses I was interested in. I am currently studying a level one electrical installation course and I hope to find an apprenticeship at the end of this academic year. I have also applied for the level two electrical installation course as a back-up plan just in case I can’t find a suitable apprenticeship.

“I don’t think I would have been able to make decisions without Careers Wales’ support. There is so much information out there, about courses, training, apprenticeships and it was hard to make a decision on the best route for me to take.

“I’d definitely encourage anyone who is struggling to make decisions to get in touch with Careers Wales. My one piece of advice would be to check out all your options whether it’s continuing in college or finding out about training or jobs.”

If you’re currently in school or college and would like to explore your interests and opportunities with a careers adviser, please speak to a member of staff who can advise on how to book an appointment.

You or your parent, guardian or carer can also call us free on 0800 028 4844, email or get in touch through live chat.


College and 6th form

Learn what to expect at college or sixth form, what financial help you could get and more.

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