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Higher Level and Degree Apprenticeships (A Level entry) - Employers

What are higher and degree apprenticeships?

Higher and degree apprenticeships usually ask for A level or equivalent qualifications.

These apprenticeships lead to a Higher Education qualification. This could be a Foundation Degree or Higher Education certificate/diploma (level 4 and 5), a Bachelor’s degree (level 6) or even a Master’s degree (level 7). It can also include professional qualifications relevant to the industry.

You will get paid a wage and your university fees are usually subsidised or even paid for in full.

You are likely to study part time and work part time for your employer. Apprenticeships take between 1 and 5 years to complete.

More and more employers, especially larger employers recruit for higher or degree apprentices. So, if you are interested in a particular company, find their website on a search engine and look for opportunities.


Below are some of the employers who offer higher or degree level apprenticeships:


Going to university

How to apply, including UCAS deadlines, attending open days, student finance and clearing.