Apprenticeships in Wales are jobs that include recognised qualifications. You earn a wage while you work and learn.
About apprenticeships
Get answers to commonly asked questions to help you decide if an apprenticeship is right for you.
What are the entry requirements for an apprenticeship?
The employer who advertises the apprenticeship will state the qualifications, skills and experience they require. You have to apply for an apprenticeship like any other job.
Different levels of apprenticeships will have different entry requirements. Find out about apprenticeship levels.
How old do I need to be to apply for an apprenticeship?
Apprenticeships are open to anyone over the age of 16, including those with a disability, health condition or learning difficulty. There is no upper age limit.
You can apply for an apprenticeship while you’re still at school but you’ll need to be 16 or over by the end of the summer holidays to start the apprenticeship.
What will I get paid in an apprenticeship?
There is a national minimum wage for apprentices but employers may often pay more than this. What you are paid depends on the employer. Find out more about national minimum wage for apprentices on
How much competition is there for apprenticeships?
Apprenticeships are such a great opportunity so they can be very competitive. It is very important that you put together a good application or CV.
Visit how to get an apprenticeship for more support.
Can I do an apprenticeship if I have a degree?
You can do an apprenticeship if you have a degree or other qualification.
You cannot start an apprenticeship if you are still in full time or part time education.
What type of training would I do on an apprenticeship?
Your employer will decide how they want you to be trained to do their work. These are some of the ways apprentices are trained:
- On the job
- At college which could be full-time or part-time
- At a training centre which you could attend once a week or in blocks of a few days or weeks
- At university if you are doing a higher level or degree Apprenticeship
What is certain is that you will have training. Where and how you will train will depend on your course and employer.
You will be given information on this when you go through the application or you could ask for details at your interview.
What can I do an apprenticeship in?
There are a wide range of Apprenticeships on offer, and many different employers who offer them including:
- Advanced materials and manufacturing
- Business and administration
- Construction
- Creative industries
- Engineering
- Financial and legal services
- Health and care
- ICT digital technologies
- Motor vehicle
- Retail, customer services and sales
- Tourism, hospitality and leisure
- Transport and logistics
Use Apprenticeship Search to see the vacancies available now. You can look at all vacancies or filter them by type of work or area that you live.
Take a look at the full list of Employers who offer Apprenticeships web links which are listed by the type of Apprenticeship. This will give you an idea of the range of Apprenticeships, and the employers who offer them.
View a full list of the types of apprenticeships available at Apprenticeship Certification Wales.
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Find apprenticeships in Wales

Explore our list of larger companies who offer apprenticeships in Wales. A wide range of apprenticeship vacancies are advertised at different times of the year.
Case studies
Read some real life success stories on our Working Wales website.
View more apprenticeship case studies at Apprenticeships. A Genius decision.
More information
Find out more about the benefits of apprenticeships and the support available at Apprenticeships: a guide for learners on the Welsh Government website.

Find out where to look for apprenticeship vacancies, and how to make your application the best it can be.

There are 4 different types of apprenticeships each offering different levels. Find out what the apprenticeship levels mean.

Find out about degree apprenticeships in Wales, and explore the available opportunities.