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Valued Partner Awards

The Valued Partner Awards is a way for Careers Wales to recognise and thank the businesses that have worked with us.

We celebrate the work employers have done to help schools and young people to engage with the world of work. Partnerships between businesses and schools provide young people with inspiration and motivation. Valuable work-related knowledge and experiences help young people link what they learn in school and the world of work.

Valued Partner Awards 2023


Outstanding Achievement 10 Year Award

Winner - Castell Howell

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Castell Howell
  • Hywel Dda University Health Board
  • Morgan Sindall Construction
  • Principality
  • The Celtic Collection

Nominations demonstrated how the business:

  • Worked with Careers Wales and supported schools and young people continuously for the last 10 years
  • Embraced developments and new initiatives
  • Celebrated their work with Careers Wales and schools in Wales and encouraged other businesses to work with Careers Wales to support schools and learners
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Best Newcomer

Winner - JCB

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Bute Energy
  • In The Welsh Wind Distillery
  • JCB
  • Robertson
  • Wrexham Lager

Nominations demonstrated how the business:

  • Started working with Careers Wales to support schools over the last year
  • Actively promoted the relationship between Careers Wales and one or more schools
  • Supported one or more activities
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Best Ongoing Relationship with a School

Winner - Morganstone

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Dŵr Cymru - Welsh Water
  • Microchip
  • Morganstone
  • Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme
  • Welsh Slate

Nominations demonstrated evidence of a strong relationship with one particular school over the last two years that could include the:

  • Number of activities supported in the school
  • Range of activities supported in the school
  • Working relationships with school staff
  • Promotion of relationships with the school
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Most Supportive Small Business

Winner - KidsLingo/Wibli Wobli Nursery

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Kidslingo/Wibli Wobli Nursery
  • LGD Twist Salon
  • Newport Pets
  • Ripple Marketing
  • The A2B Tyre Shop

This award is for a business employing fewer than ten people.

Nominations demonstrated how the business:

  • Actively promoted their relationship with Careers Wales and one or more schools
  • Supported a range of different school activities
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Outstanding Personal Contribution

Winner - Colette Affaya, Airbus

The shortlist was:

  • Chris Hooper - Torfaen County Borough Council
  • Colette Affaya - Airbus
  • Gwenno Williams - Gwynedd Council
  • Kathy Roberts - Brother Industries UK
  • Rhys Bebb - Screen Alliance Wales

Nominations demonstrated how this person had done one or more of the following:

  • Displayed exceptional commitment to supporting activities in schools
  • Shown a willingness to try new ideas
  • Encouraged others from their organisation to take part
  • Actively promoted their relationship with Careers Wales and a school or schools
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Most Supportive Work Experience Employer

Winner - Cottage Coppicing

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Brooklyn Motors
  • Cefn Mably Farm Park
  • Cottage Coppicing
  • M Delacy & Sons Holding Ltd
  • Jac-Y-Do Nursery

Nominations demonstrated evidence that could include how the business:

  • Has offered tailored work experience to one of more young people
  • Has gone above and beyond in their support for a young person facing challenges or barriers to engaging
  • Has a well thought out programme of activities designed to support the learner in their placement
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Best Promoter of Welsh in the Workplace

Winner - Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board
  • Caerphilly County Borough Council
  • Canolfan S4C Yr Egin
  • Alun Griffiths Construction
  • ISG

Nominations demonstrated evidence that could include how the business:

  • Recognises the value of the Welsh language as a skill for the workplace
  • Takes part in events that promote the importance of the Welsh Language in the workplace
  • Supports delivery through the medium of Welsh
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Best Supporter of the Net Zero Agenda

Winner -  EDF Renewables UK

The shortlisted businesses were:

  • Adra
  • Bluestone Wales
  • EDF Renewables UK
  • Viridor
  • Wynne Construction

Nominations demonstrated evidence that could include how the business:

  • Helps raise awareness of the skills required in a net zero Wales
  • Provides innovative opportunities for young people to learn about careers linked to the net zero agenda
  • Celebrates their work with Careers Wales and schools in Wales and encourages other businesses to work with Careers Wales to support schools and learners to embed net zero related careers and work-related experiences in the curriculum
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The 2023 awards ceremony

Journalist, Sian Lloyd, announced the winners live at our awards ceremony on 22 November at The Pierhead Main Hall in Cardiff Bay.

Valued Partner Award Winners 2023

Cottage Coppicing's story

Discover how Lisa helped a young person to develop confidence and skills in woodwork with invaluable work experience at her workshop.

Colette Affaya's story

Find out how Colette's passion for inspiring young people led to a Valued Partner Award for Outstanding Personal Contribution.

Morganstone's story

Morganstone has a strong connection with Careers Wales. As a partner of seven years, they have provided excellent experiences for pupils.

Castell Howell's story

Find out how Castell Howell Foods have been supporting learners to find out about the world of work.

JCB's story

JCB is one of the top three manufacturers of construction equipment in the world. The company has inspired many young people to pursue a career in construction.

Kidslingo’s story

Find out how the owner of this small business is helping to bring subjects to life for learners.

EDF Renewables UK's story

Find out how this award winner is encouraging learners to think about their future roles and protecting the planet.