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Welsh Government

Funding for social work, teaching and healthcare courses

Healthcare workers, teachers and social workers may be eligible to receive funding to support with their courses.

Funding for courses can change from year to year so it’s important to check the official organisations’ websites or contact them directly for the most up to date details.

Some of the funding options available

Social workers


Social work bursary - Social Care Wales


Social work bursary - NHS England



Ethnic Minority Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Incentive - Welsh Government

Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Priority Subject Incentive - Welsh Government

Iaith Athrawon Yfory Incentive Scheme - Welsh Government

Student Finance Wales - Undergraduate and postgraduate student teachers can access the same package of student finance support.


Teacher training funding -

Funding and support - Get into Teaching,

Healthcare workers


NHS Wales Bursary Scheme - Student Awards Services, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Medical and Dental Bursaries - NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership


NHS Bursary - NHS Business Services Authority

Medical and Dental Bursaries - NHS England

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