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Adult and community education

There are hundreds of adult and community education courses available across Wales.

Adult and community education courses are often aimed at people who:

  • Have not studied for some time
  • Wish to gain a qualification or a new skill
  • May want to get back into learning after a break

Courses are often held in community centres or local colleges. Some may run day courses whilst others offer evening classes.

Find out more about adult and community education


You’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Meet new people
  • Gain confidence
  • Improve your skills
  • Better your job prospects
Courses you can study

There are many different courses to choose from, and courses can include:

  • Languages - Welsh, French, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
  • Digital skills – photo editing, using spreadsheets, word-processing
  • Practical subjects - textiles, cookery, gardening
  • Improving reading, writing and maths skills
  • Work-related – health and safety, first aid, food hygiene

These are just a few ideas. There are many more options out there.

Types of qualifications

There will be a variety of courses ranging from basic levels, so you can start as a beginner and work your way up to a more challenging course at intermediate and advanced level. Some centres may also offer formal courses such as GCSEs.

The centre and course tutor can give you further information.

How to find a course

There are a few ways you can begin searching for a course:

  • Use our Course Search to find adult and community courses across Wales
  • Contact your local further education college or visit their website. Your local college will usually have an 'adult and community' section 
  • Search for a course in your area - Adult Learning Wales course finder
  • Look on your local authority's website for a list of community-based courses in your area 

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