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Your child after they leave school or college

If your child decides to leave school or college they might need help with the opportunities and challenges they face. We have information and support for you and them.

Choices and decisions

Your child might be thinking about:

  • Finding a job
  • Vocational training and support, including paid work experience, via Jobs Growth Wales+
  • Apprenticeship
  • Self-employment
  • Volunteering

Find more information about each of these on career routes and pathways.

Ways we support your child

We can support your child to make informed and effective decisions. We can help them to find appropriate learning, training or employment.

Our help includes a range of employability support options including:

  • Receiving job bulletins
  • Being matched to appropriate opportunities
  • Getting support to find and apply for jobs
  • Being put in touch with others who can help

Support for young people aged 16 and over who decide to get a job or enter training is available through our Working Wales service.

Our employability coaches and careers advisers can help your child to:

  • Search and apply for jobs
  • Write a CV
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Apply for vocational training with a range of Jobs Growth Wales+ contractors to suit their location and career plans
  • Get in touch with agencies that can help them with starting their own businesses

You can come with your child to a meeting with a careers adviser. We have suggestions to help your child prepare and get the most from this meeting.

Contact us

We offer face-to-face support in careers centres, libraries, schools, colleges and community locations.

We can also work with you and your child via webchat, video call or telephone.

Time to Talk

Explore your child's ideas now that they have left school or college. Encourage them to think about the skills and experience they have and how they fit with the option they are considering.

There are different possibilities they can consider for their next step. Chat about all the alternatives and what is right for them.

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How to get experience

Employers value experience. Find out how to get it including through work experience, volunteering and internships.

Job Websites

Use our list of popular job websites to help your job search.