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Welsh Government

How to get an Apprenticeship

Take a look at our guide on how to get an apprenticeship.

Find apprenticeship vacancies

The main places to find apprenticeship vacancies are:

What you need to apply for an apprenticeship

Before you apply you will need:

  • A well-written CV or application form. Your apprenticeship application will be one among lots of others. Submit the best CV or application you possibly can
  • The instructions and information about the apprenticeship application process (this could be in the job description or on the company’s website). Some employers give you lots of tips and information to help you write your CV or application
  • A covering email or covering letter. This is important as you introduce yourself to the employer in a covering email or letter

Contact us if you would like some help with your CV, application or covering letter.

Prepare for interviews and assessments

Be prepared for assessments and interviews:

  • If the apprenticeship you are applying for has an assessment, make sure you take some practice tests. The employer may offer practice tests or hints and tips on their own website
  • If you are offered an interview for an apprenticeship, make sure you practice your interview techniques before the interview

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