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Your child in Years 10 and 11

Deciding what to do after year 11 is a big step for your child. Being aware of their options and our services will help you to support them.

Choices and decisions

In years 10 and 11 your child will be busy working towards their first qualifications. During this time they need to think about what they want to do after year 11 and research their options.

After year 11 your child could decide to:

Find out more about routes and pathways.

Your child's results will influence what they are able to do. We have information to help if your child is about to get their results.

Ways we support your child

Careers advisers

Our careers advisers aim to:

  • Encourage your child to think about career areas that might interest them
  • Support your child to make informed and effective decisions about what to do after year 11

If your child has an additional learning need and has an Individual Development Plan the school may ask the adviser to attend the annual review.

Support in each year

Year 10

Your child might take part in a group session with an adviser. The session will focus on labour market information (LMI). LMI are facts about current and future job trends.

Information in this session will help them to complete an activity called 'career check'. Career check is a survey which helps the careers adviser work out what individual support your child needs.

Year 11

When your child is in Year 11 they will be contacted by their careers adviser.

Group sessions will focus on what your child can do after Year 11.

Guidance and coaching interviews may be offered to your child if they are:

  • Unclear about what they want to do
  • Seeking an apprenticeship
  • In need of encouragement to achieve their potential
  • Planning to get a job after leaving school
  • Lacking in confidence or motivation
  • Unrealistic about their next step
  • A pupil with additional learning needs

If your child is planning to get a job or start work-based training, they will see their careers adviser during the Easter term. Their adviser will refer them to the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme or provide help to find work or an apprenticeship.

If your child is not in any of these categories, they will be offered group sessions or digital support.

We are always here to help. Get in touch if you or your child would like to speak to an adviser. If you arrange a meeting with a Careers Adviser, find out how to help your child get the most out of that session.

Employer events

Our Education Business Partnership offers all secondary and special schools employer events to support the curriculum. Activities could involve a single employer or several employers. They may take place face-to-face or digitally.

Activities and the year groups that take part will differ from school to school.

If you're passionate about your job or industry why not find out about our Education Business Partnership? You could explore ways to share your experience and enthusiasm with pupils to inspire their career ideas.

Time to talk

Reflecting on subjects your child is enjoying during years 10 and 11 is useful. It will help them recognise what motivates them and how they like to learn.

There are lots of possibilities they can consider for their next step. Remind them that there's more than one route to a successful career. Chat about all the alternatives and what is right for them.

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Options at 16

Access information about your career options after your GCSE's. 

Funding for college or 6th form

Funding options for 6th form and college, including Education Maintenance Allowance, Welsh Government Learning Grant and Financial Contingency Fund.